Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My two and a half year project

I am an achiever.  It is one of the top "strengths" God cursed blessed me with.  Although I can see the strength of it, I see the weakness of it a lot too.  Too often I achieve something that is not attainable.  I want to achieve my to do list,  to be list, and how you think of me list.

That's why being a stay at home mom can be hard.  For me at least.  I won't pretend that I have done a national survey that says something about 79.4% of SAHM's nationwide feel like...blah blah.  I haven't and to be transparent, that stresses me out.  A lot.  

My very first job was babysitting my niece Lauren when Sarah had to work a couple days a week.  It was fantastic.  I got paid to play and shop with that little treasure.  Which by the way, she is almost 12 and I do not know what to do with myself!  Make. Her. Stop. Growing!

I love to work.  I have worked since I was 14. Because I love to achieve.  I have been abundantly blessed by being able to work from home for Circle while living in Miami, and it has been great.  I get to see my work benefit the school, families and others.  I get to see my hours of work come to life on a website that makes me want to pull my hair out, but also makes me pat myself on the back and say, "I did that!"

Here is what is hard for me.  Being a stay at home mom, I don't feel like I achieve much.

Tim and I went to Washington, DC for a few days last week and Gracie stayed with Sarah and Andrea.  After Sarah dropped Gracie off at Andrea's house she called and pour water all over my dry "achiever" garden.

I got off the phone and just cried.  She didn't have to, and I didn't ask "how have I done" but her phone call just to tell me that she thought I was an amazing mom, and had done an amazing job with Gracie was what I needed.  Because honestly, when I left her with Sarah on Saturday, the fear of oh my gosh, "I am not going to be there for three days and have NO idea how she is going to act," was a very real fear.  I felt like I was turning over my 2.5 year work project to be graded.  Critiqued.  By one of the very best mom's in my world.

Even stay at home mom's can achieve great things.  But a lot of the time they need someone from the outside to remind them of all they are achieving.  To point it out.  To bring light to it.

Who needs your encouragement today?  Who can you tell, "you are doing a great job with your kids".  If they need to hear it as much as I did, it will bring life to their soul, and if nothing else, convince them that they can do one more day.

Be encouraged friends,  The one who calls you is faithful to do it!  I Thes 5:24

Thank you, Sarah and Andrea for loving on my girl while I was gone.  She LOVED being with you!

1 comment:

  1. What a great encouragement to all of us Stay At Home Moms! I homeschool which I feel sometimes can be frowned on by others, and often times "graded"! There have been times though that I have been suprised by kind words of strangers who have NOTICED the hard work of raising my children, and have said something encouraging. Thank you God's girl for adding to my encouragement tank today!
