Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I'm bothered!

I've been bothered the last couple of weeks, and can't seem to shake it.  

Why you ask?  Well you didn't really, but if you don't want to know go back to Facebook or Pinterest. 

Christmas is hitting stores everywhere and people don't like it.  That bothers me.  Not because I love Christmas, which is absolutely true, but because I love the Christmas story.  

When did we forget that its not about the tree, the decorations or the mile long to do list?  When did we forget that it was about a virgin who had a name, who was scared out of her mind, but who faithfully and blindly followed the angels instructions?  

If we saw a nativity scene set up all year long would we make comments to our best friends or update our Facebook status to read, "Unbelievable!  Don't they know it is only August?!" 

Christmas is one special boys birthday.  Thats all.  And we are allowed to participate in the miracle of it. Even in August.

Don't get me wrong, I am not advocating for all things christmas to be set up in Target all year long, although you will not find me disapproving.  

What would it look like if we really celebrate the Christmas story year round?  Wouldn't it put a smile on someones face?  Can't the Christmas cheer be spread even when you can't walk to your mailbox to get the mail without looking like you just ran a full marathon?  

What would your heart feel like if you took everything about the holidays that stressed you out and only participated in the things that made your heart swell?  Packing a shoe box for a child with less than most American children?  Inviting a friend over for dinner that doesn't have family in the area?  Buying a little something for someone unexpectedly just to let them know you were thinking about them?  Here are some ways!

I want to live every day of my life celebrating the miracle of Christmas and the redemptive love of Easter.  No matter what time of year.  I really want to be changed by the words in Luke 2.  

One of my greatest joys of expecting Gracie was preparing her room.  I organized and re-organized it a million times over.  I would tell Tim, "I got her room perfect today," and the next day it would be different.  

It wasn't perfect.  But He was.  His room was a barn, on top of hay, with animals surrounding Him.  Not with the paparazzi, and every family member waiting for their turn to hold this newborn King.  

I don't like that part of the story.  I don't like that from the very first breath He took on the very earth He created, He was already serving.  

My King was born, in a barn, and died on a cross...for me...and you! 

Don't let that pass you by.  Don't make Christmas anything that it isn't but make it everything it is!  

We then have the audacity to make comments about His birthday and how its "too soon" and "really, already?"  

My feelings would be flat out hurt, and I would just be mad.  That's the difference between me and Jesus.  

What would we be like if we celebrated Christmas more like a King's birthday and less like a Santa filled, commercialized holiday of pretend merriness?

What if we stopped competing with all of our friends to give our kids the best presents on our street and gave the best present away?  Your credit card, and your heart would thank you.   As would the generation coming up behind you and the Legacy you are leaving for them.

I love Christmas, and love every tradition that my parents set up for us as a family.  My most favorite of all, however, is the Luke 2 story.  Christmas wouldn't be Christmas without my dad's booming voice reading those words..."In those days Caesar Augustus"...

Christmas this year will already be different for me.  It will be Nana's first Christmas in Heaven, and the first one in 10+ years that I haven't fixed her Spode dinner plate full of all her favorites.  "That too much!" she would say, but clean off every crumb.  

Do me a favor?  When you see those Christmas decorations hitting the stores nearest to you, don't huff and puff.  Worship.  Smile and sing Happy Birthday to the King that saved you from yourself.  Christmas isn't about you anyways...unless you were born on December 25th and then I have news for you, its still not about you.  

Don't take for granted hearing your hero read the Christmas story, or fixing a dinner plate.  This may the last year for it anyways.

It's the most wonderful time of year!!!


  1. I just want to shout a big fat "AMEN"!!!! You nailed it, friend. Do you mind if I use this as my guest post for today?
