Saturday, August 11, 2012

Lets go there, shall we?

I should have known.  All the signs were there.  A terrible headache.  Not sleeping great.  No real desire to do much of anything except eat Oreos and donuts.

A couple weeks ago, I went and sat with Jim Keller.  He is an amazing man, counselor and my most expensive friend.  :)  I went to see him because I felt like I needed to know if I was "coping" with this whole thing like a normal person, or if I was what I felt...a hot mess.

The good news is my heart is healing.  The bad news is it may never be like it was before December 14th.  Although I wish Jim had a magic formula for me to be on my happy way of never crying these tears again, he did have some advice that I took him up on today.

Embrace it and go there.  Cry. Wish for what was.  Mourn.  As many times as it takes.

So today I did just that.

Tim said I didn't seem like myself over the last couple days and asked the famous why question. I pictured him dipping his finger into the temperature of my heart as if to say, "are we ok?  I haven't done something, have I?"

"Just sad," I said.

"I know.  I've been thinking a lot about her today too.  What it would have been like to have two right have another little one again."

Gulp.  Heart breaking again.

So lets just go there, shall we?

I want watch this grow. FOR A REASON! 

I want to replace the stained image in my mind of one of these, but see this.

I want to hear that scream.

I want this moment.

I want to fall asleep like this.

I want a room full of the people that love me best, starring.

I want to give him number ten.

I want him to work like this.

I want to see her face light up like only an "I am your big sister" snuggle could do.
As the day ends and my tears dry, I am thankful.  Even for this.  Thankful for the memories and the smiles that I found going through pictures and videos tonight.  Thankful for how this too is going to be part of my story.

"For now, while we still have such a hard time realizing that what's good is not always best, suffering still has a function.  As nothing else can, it moves us away from demanding what's good...towards desiring what's better...until heaven provides what's best." Larry Crabb

Got to go.  I have a hair appointment with a certain two year old that is still trying to understand "gentle"


  1. Tears. Lots of tears. I can't thank you enough for how honest and raw you are. I need someone like you, someone to stand up and say yes, this all really sucks. Miscarriages suck. Infertility sucks. Heartbreak is so painful.
    With baby showers and new pregnancy announcements almost daily (feels that way anyway) I have to check and see how my heart is quite often. Today it's really sad. I missed my best friend's baby shower. I can't explain why really. I just couldn't go there.
    Lis, I am so thankful for you. When you do get pregnant again (and I truly believe you WILL!) I promise to pray for your baby every chance I get. I'm looking forward to seeing a miracle here. Love you.

  2. You are right, it does suck. But it won't forever. It hurts here but will be gone for all eternity. I am sorry you're heart is hurting so bad. Praying for you and believing God has great things for your family!

  3. Is that Larry Crabb quote from "Shattered Dreams"? GREAT BOOK. love you. xoxo

    1. Jessica, yes. Loved that book! That quote is my favorite!

  4. I read your guest post at Michelle's and just wanted to tell you that I am sorry for your loss. Praying for healing for you and your family.

    M shared your post at Soli Deo Gloria, our weekly link up. Would love to have your join. You can click here to get more info:

    1. Thank you for the prayers and info, Jen. I will check it out :)

  5. My journey took 8.5 years, several losses, and God's perfect timing and grace. Looking back I still mourn, especially my sweet boy born still, my last loss and the hardest to bear. But now I can laugh at God's humor. My giant son and toddling daughter best friends and homeschool confidants. My son was such an easy child. I always joke that God was maturing my patients those years. My daughter is a fiesty spitfire of a girl. A girl who was created for such a time as this. I love both of my children, they are precious pearls to me. But when I look at my daughter I see God's grace, his promises, his love, and his gift to me. I can not wait to tell my daughter about the journey that brought her to us, late by my standards and just on time for God's. Praying God's peace and perfect promises for your family Lis! - Hannah Kartagener
