Sunday, July 22, 2012

Light 'em up!

Let me tell you about Courtney.   She is awesome.  She is my moms neighbor and I have to fight being envious every time I think that she is mom's neighbor and not MINE!  I've prayed for a neighbor like Miami...but alas, the Lord answered it in Orlando!  GO FIGURE!  =)

She and her family moved to Orlando from Atlanta and I have LOVED getting to know her, laughing with her, and running with her when I am at moms.  She has an amazing business and blog.

She is insanely creative and a brillant writer.  She's honest and transparent, and hello, I love that.  Her kids disobey, make a mess and laugh their butts off.  She's a Proverbs 31 mom and wife.

When we first met, I devoured her blog..reading all that she had written--the girl is hilarious!

This blog post I loved!! Going out of your way for strangers, teachers, friends or someone who needs a little "happy" around the holidays.

Of course I didn't know her at Christmas.  DERN!  But have thought about this idea ever since.

How can we make people smile in July?

July is the beginning of Christmas music, shopping, and merriness in MY house so this was the month to start for me!  But where?  How?

Then it happened...God spoke...and I kind of froze.  I had been asking Him to show me ways I could love on people...and there He was, telling me how, and I just stood there pretending He was talking to Gracie.  Gracie, obey your mother!   Ok, that wasn't what I heard.  At all.

Now Lord?  Right here?  On THIS guy?! 

Yes, Lis.  Yes. YES!  RIGHT NOW!

OK! Ok!

I am in line at Publix getting a few groceries.  Gracie is in the 'car cart' and asking for a red balloon.  The red balloon that was over his head by only an inch or so.  He is a tall, slender man.  If you go to the Baldwin Park Publix, I am sure you know who I am talking about.  He is a sweet and precious guy who has worked there for years.  When I lived here, I would look for him to go to his line.  I would try to start up conversations.  He is either very introverted, or just doesn't like people.  I'm going with the introvert.

There was no bagger in his lane, so after he scanned the groceries, he bagged them himself.  It took a little while longer because of him doing a two person job, but he didn't seem to mind.  He probably preferred it.  Since I'm not an introvert I don't get it, but those introverts tell me they'd rather be alone!  =)  Isn't that the weirdest thing you have ever heard?!  Who wants to be alone????

"$35.16," he says.

I freeze. The Lord chimes in.  No, thats not the right one, Lis.  Ask him.

I get brave.  Pointing to the candy section behind me, I make eye contact, "I was wondering which of these treats are your favorite?"

He looks at me puzzled.

I continue.  "I appreciate the work you have done for me, and since Publix has a no tipping policy, I would like to buy you a little treat."

He looks shocked.  "Really?"


He stumbles, I smile.  Now at least he knows how I FEEL!

"I love Reeces, they are my favorites."

"Great!  I love those too!"  I hand them to him to ring up.

$36.18 the cash register now reads.  Now can I swipe my card, Lord?

Yes, now.

A smile.  "Thank you so much...that was so"....he pauses... because he can't find the words..."kind."  He becomes chatty and finally hears Gracie say, "May I have a RED balloon, please".  He never seemed so excited to give a balloon away.

Gracie waves as we start to drive that car cart away..."goodbye!! See you next time!"

I smiled the whole way home.  I found my way to light 'em up.  No matter the time of year!

I dare you to try it!  I kind of can't wait to go back to Publix!

Thanks Court!


  1. This is the sweetest thing ever. You're a good woman, Lis :)

  2. thank you lis. i just love what you did. can't wait to duplicate.

    1. not sure why i signed in with wordpress - you can delete this if you like lis. clearly not my site.
