Friday, July 13, 2012

Life Partner

Do you have a life partner?  Someone besides your spouse?

A sister? Friend? Mentor?

The older I get the more I am convinced that the greatest thing the Lord has given us on this side of heaven besides our salvation and the word of God is people.  Relationships.  It is the only thing that will remain beyond this life.

I don't want to sound like a hallmark card, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

In the middle of the night, when this treasure was born, she was there.  In the OR I knew she was on the other sides of the door waiting to snuggle Gracie and praying.  She is an amazing prayer warrior. 

She is the worlds greatest mom.   Never a time goes by that I am not with her that I learn something, or want to be more like her.  I love that when she goes out of town, and she gives me the honor of watching her girls, they often say, "you do things just like my mom does, you must be sisters."  I love that her girls let me love them, and feel safe with me.   I love that when the girls are with me, and a stranger refers to me as their mom, or them as my kids, her kids just smile...then we get in the car and they say, "they thought you were our MOM!"

I love raising babies with her.  I love that she loves Gracie like her very own.  Gracie is crazy about her Sassy.  I am pretty sure Gracie thinks that Sassy's one and only role in this life was to give her cousins that she refers to as, "my girls."

There was a time in my life when she wanted to kill me, smack me, shake me, thought I was annoying, obnoxious, and immature.  Ha! She may still think that BUT she didn't give up on me.  She believed God had bigger and better things.  Of course she was right.  Aren't older sisters always right?

She gives me perspective.  Isn't afraid to tell me when my thinking is off, lets me vent, lets me cry and even on the hardest of days says, "even on the hardest of days, WE choose JOY!"  

She is selfless, funny and extremely generous.   

There was this lie I believed when I really was my biggest fear of moving away from Orlando...that I would be forgotten by her or replaced.  She has made it a point to be my biggest support, cheerleader and the person I do life with.  We are closer than we have ever been or I ever thought possible. 

We share some very good secrets, inside jokes, and stories.  But I am pretty sure we share a part of our brain and heart.  

That's the joy of having a sister.

I understand the rare and God given relationship we share- and I don't take it for granted. 

Sassy Joy, you are exactly that! Sassy and full of Joy!  I love your love for life, your family, friends, orphans and your selfless quest to do all that you can to make this world more like Jesus.   You are an inspiration to me and many others that call you a friend.  Sucks for them they can't call you a sister!  Thank you for loving me, crying with me, dreaming with me, and making me laugh until my face hurts!   I love doing life with you but even more than that, love that our mansions are going to be right next to each other on those golden streets.  Can't wait to see you tomorrow!


  1. oh my word! crying!! i feel exactly the same way about my sister! we are so blessed!!!!! i love you two! xoxo

  2. What a beautiful, honoring tribute, and what a precious gift you have. Truly, you are blessed <3

  3. Waaa haaa haaa!!! ;,) sniff, sniff... That is beautiful and thanks for rubbing it in! LOL I am praying that my girls have that kind of relationship when they are older. They have the, "your a booger", relationship at the moment. LOL
