When the Lord called Noah to build the ark, do you think Noah was excited about this 100 year project? I don't know and won't pretend be Noah or know his emotions but if it was me, excited wouldn't be the word I would use. How in the world does one begin to build a boat big enough to hold a pair of every animal the Lord created?
One Board at a time.
One. Then two. Then 3. Until the boat is finished.
Noah is a hero of mine for sure. Obedient. Faithful. Courageous. Brave.
To imply that I am a modern day Noah, is a joke but sometimes I feel like him. Sometimes I feel like what the Lord is asking of me is the size of the ark. It feels like a 100 year project.
Miami is my ark. Medical school is my 100 year project. 4 years of school and 3 years of residency feels like 100 years sometimes. A lot of times actually.
I want to be Noah- if nothing else to be found faithful and obedient. He was obedient and therefor avoided consequences and more often than not, I ONLY want to avoid consequences. I only want to survive this "ride". I want to hold on so tight to the Father's hand that no wave can throw me, dunk me, or drag me out to sea. The truth is, He is not going to let go of MY hand. If I let go, he will still hold on. He is my life line.
To look back over the last 11 months has been painful and rewarding all at the same time. It is encouraging to see how the Lord has softened my heart to this place and moved me from a place of extreme anger to a minute by minute trust.
I love what Brent Shoemaker said in a message he did at North Point. He said, "If you are waiting for the fear to go away, you will never move".
I remember my screaming tantrum in the bathroom of Winter Park all to well. I was terrified and all I knew to say to Tim was, "DON'T MAKE ME DO THIS!" His response was from his lips but from the Lord when he whispered, "Babe, we have to be obedient. I don't want to either, but if we are obedient, we will be found faithful, and I want to be faithful".
Be faithful. Be obedient. Avoid consequences. Allow God to be God. He takes full responsibility for the journey when you choose to follow him. Leave a legacy. Be brave. Be courageous. Be salt and light. Be love. Be a blessing. These are the things that run through my mind when fear begins to take over. These things were not what I was saying to myself a year ago. And for that, I am thankful. Thankful that the Lord has been patient with my hurting heart. Thankful that He has never let go of my hand. Thankful for the softening. I don't like it, but I need it.
When you can't get your head around it, get your heart around it-and step out or off- step up or bow down and be obedient.
To me, faith is: Saying yes to the Lord when the blind fold is still on...when the water is rising...when life is scary...when life doesn't look like it "should". When you can't hear anyone else but the still small voice that says, just hold on to ME. I won't let YOU go.
What is written on your board? What board number are you on? No matter how many times you have dropped it, burned it or painted over it. Pick it up. One at a time. And build the ark the Creator of the Universe designed you to build. You won't regret it.
From board to boat.
Go and build.
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