Thursday, February 16, 2012

Her last month being one!

In less than a month, my girl is going to be 2.

I cannot believe it. Where has the time gone?

There are very few things left of "baby"- her paci and sleeping in a crib. She will have both until she graduates high school. She still asks for her bottle every. single. day! oy!

I am up to my nose in planning her Minnie Mouse party, and I can't wait. I love this. Celebrating someone I love. I celebrate her every day, but I love the thought of tons of people coming together on one day to celebrate her too. She is the best thing in my world and should be celebrated in big ways! :) You can roll your eyes here, I have issues, I know! :)

As March 11th gets closer, I can't help but remember every minute of her birthday.
9pm checking into Winnie Palmer to be induced.
1030pm checking into our room and being told to put on that "gown"
11-1130, exam with nurse, answering a million questions and signing tons of papers.
12am- order what they say would be my "last supper" before the big day
12:17am- Nurse comes in because my heart rate monitor was going off.
12:18am- 12 people rush my room, desperately trying to get her heart rate to be found. Then rushed to the c-section room.
12:20am-Tim calls my dad and sister to come to the hospital. While he is kept outside I am laying on the c-section table begging the Lord for her life. They find her heart beat. THE BESTTTT sound in the whole entire world.
12:27am- they let Tim in and begin surgery.
12:33am- I hear her scream- the second best sound in the world. Tim and I are parents and have loved every second of it!

We are so thankful for the treasure God has blessed us with.

I am however, not sure what I think about her growing up and being 2!!! Slow down time!!!

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