Sunday, June 3, 2012

Meet Jen and Gavin

This is my BFF, Jenny.  We met in Highschool and were pretty much instant friends.  She was quiet, reserved and kind.  I was loud, obnoxious and, well, I hope kind.  Ha!

Jen and I have always joked that we do things so close to each other that it is hilarious.

We went to the same school after high school, we worked at the same spa for a while, we got married a week a part,  Gracie and Aiden are 3 months a part, and I wasn't the least bit surprised when I found out I was pregnant in October that our babies would be 5 weeks a part!  We like to keep things predictable, I guess!

She was one of the very few people I texted that December day when I knew something was terribly wrong.  She wept with me.  I wanted to be very cautious to not cause too much stress on her because of the sweet baby that was forming in her belly.  Two days after learning that my Hope had gone to be with her Creator, Jenny found out that Gavin Tyler was growing happily in her belly.

That whole morning, I just prayed a simple, constant prayer.  While her desire was to find out if she was having a girl or boy, my prayer was, "oh, please Lord, just let her see his/her heart beating".   My heart couldn't handle two loses so close together, and because our history is to do the SAME thing, I was terrified.

The Lord answered mine and so many other prayers when this guy joined his family almost two weeks ago!

There have been some things since being on this journey that I knew would be hard.  Hearing other people share their exciting news, and holding Gavin were two that I knew I would have to be prayed up for.

If I had my way, I would be waddleing around Winnie Palmer at 35 weeks pregnant waiting to go up and see Jen and Gavin.  Then resting him on my big ole belly like a built in Boppy!

I got a text from Jen early Tuesday morning telling me she was on her way to the hospital.  Of course, I called her instantly, because texting just isn't sufficient.  :)

Because we were in Miami, I paced around my house like a mad woman, just wanting to be at the hospital...looking for flights that didn't cost $350.00, texting her mom and sister demanding updates. (yes, I am still obnoxious.  Some things don't change!)

I stopped dead in my tracks when I knew she was pushing and smiled.

 I didn't know how I was going to react to all this.  I didn't know if I would melt to a puddle of tears and weep because my heart was hurting, or if I would be truly able to celebrate.  Here I was, celebrating, full force.  I couldn't get to Orlando fast enough.  I NEEDED to hold that baby!  Another thing I didn't know if  I would be able to do!

3 days later, I was able to hold that baby and soak him in.  I love Jen's oldest, Aiden, but I think there is something special between me and Gavin.

What Gavin doesn't know is he helped my heart heal.


I felt a little piece of my "Hope hole" close.  Gavin represents life, joy and God's amazing hand.  It was tangible for me that day.

A whisper from my Creator, that created Gavin and Hope.  Trust me, Lis.  Believe that I am not holding out on you, but preparing you for the best.  

Continue to choose to trust.  
Continue to choose to celebrate.  
Continue to choose heal.

And while you are holding Gavin, I am holding Hope.  

Gavin Tyler, you are a special, precious, wonderful treasure.  I love you and will pray for you like I did while you were in Mommy's belly.  You are going to help change hearts and the world, because on that Friday, you helped change mine.  I love you, buddy!

Meet Jenny and Gavin Tyler!


  1. Lis!!!! You have me in tears! Wow! I love you and I'm so thankful God was able to use Gavin to help heal your heart a little more. I was always trying to be "careful" when talking about My pregnancy and Gavin because I too was still hurting from your loss and knowing how hard it must be for you to watch so many other people get pregnant, have babies, etc... Thank you for being such an amazing BF and celebrating with me knowing you were longing for your baby. I can't WAIT to celebrate with you when God places that next precious blessing in your womb, because I know He will!!! And oh I can't wait to hold him or her!!
