Monday, October 17, 2011

The Resolution

I love how the Lord uses books in my life to point out areas that need work.

Ok. Sometimes I hate it too.

My grandfather always said, "you will be the same person ten years from now with the exception of 2 things: the people you meet and the books you read." I want to be better in a lot of areas 10 years from now, so I read a lot of books.

The Resolution for Women by Prisicilla Shirer, is currently rocking my little comfortable world. Holy Moly. Lay off the sting, Lord!

I don't think there is a rock that goes unturned in this book...AND I'm not even done reading it.

While every point and subject she covers is good and something to work towards and resolve to become or do, one rocked me to the very core of who I am.

The Resolve to be Satisfied.
At the bottom, there is a place to sign your name. Like a contract.

I, Elisabeth Graeser, will stop whining about my life and everything I don't have or what I want, and embrace every blessing He has given me.

It doesn't say that, but it probably should. Sometimes I wonder if God doesn't grab my angel, hold her by both shoulders and say, "If you don't go find her and tell her to hurry up and learn this lesson, she is going to audibly hear from me!" Thanks, Angel (in this case, Priscilla...I am getting it!)

All things. Not just some things.

In little and in much. How I long to proudly say, "I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little." Phil 4:11

I compare myself to others more than I really realize. More than I care to admit for sure. It is really disturbing actually.

On any given day I make up in my mind a life that is not mine. A house I can't afford, a car I don't drive, a husband who doesn't work, a baby who never disobeys, a body that is straight out of a health magazine, a family that lives on the same street, and a relationship with the Lord that never doubts, always trusts, never fears and is always faithful. A nice cross between the Proverbs 31 woman, Esther, Ruth, David, Paul, Soloman, etc. I pick and choose something from everyone I know that I like, and play house. Dress up.

And then. The evil step mother pipes in, i.e.: satan.

"you know you could have that if you didn't.."
"you deserve that"
"if you would just..."

The truth of the matter is this: I live this life that Lord has blessed me with for His glory alone. I have because He gives, I have not because it's not best for me. This is my season. This is my life.

I have come to the realization that if I continue to "just get through medical school", my daughter will be 4, my husband a resident, and I would have the same heart I had when we started. Resentful, bitter, impatient, unkind and untrusting. How many things would I have missed along the way? Ballet? Vacation bible school? Preschool? The chance to pray for my husband for one more exam. One more quiz. Pack his lunch one more time. All for what? To just hurry to get to residency, then hurry though the next season.

I refuse to be 70 years old and look back on my life with regret that I just wish I had listened to those who have traveled before me to fully engaged. To wish that I did hard things.

Life is hard, and it is never going to get easier. Growth is painful, but remaining unchanged is a death sentence.

Here is my current reality.

I am the wife to a brillant medical student. I am the mom to an amazing 19 month old.
I am the supporter and encourager of the next doctor who may save a limp of an elderly man with gangrene, fix a fracture of a college baseball player, or correct the precious toes of a newborn with club feet.
I am raising the next generation of a daughter who will fear God and serve Him fearlessly. She will be a world changer, because she has already changed mine.
Together we will do what the Lord has called us to do.

No. Matter. What.

No matter how hard, how long or how unfair. No matter how lonely, stressful or uncertain.

I will be content in this season of life.
I will be content in this season of life.
I will be content in this season of life.

"I do solemnly resolve to embrace my current season of life and will maximize my time in it. I will resist the urged to hurry through or circumvent any portion of my journey but will live with a spirt of contentment."

There are so many times when the only thing I can say out loud to the one that doesn't want me to succeed, grow or learn a valuable lesson is this...You said I couldn't, wouldn't and would die trying, and this I say to you Satan. I AM, I WILL and For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.

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