Friday, September 24, 2010


I have come to realize how truly blessed I am by the friends I have in my life. I've always thought they were the absolute best but not until moving here did I truly realize how hard friends are to come by.

We've been here for more than 5 weeks, and I still don't have any friends. It's me, Gracie and Tim.

I overheard a conversation in the elevator between two women who were talking amongst themselves about how they are only friends with beautiful people. What a sad life they must live. I think my friends are the most beautiful people I know, but I quickly realized that I think they are beautiful not because of their outward shell, but because of their heart.

I was expecting it to get easier the longer we would be here, but it has gotten harder. More lonely.

I am so thankful that the last 3 weekends I have had some of my best friends come play with me. To breath life back into me. To fill my cup. To love on me. To snuggle Gracie.

I'm tired. Emotionally and physically. I am so thankful for my best friend and only sister- she gave me the afternoon and night off yesterday.

Some things I took for granted before I moved to Miami. Friends are no longer one of them.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry Lis! I can't imagine how hard it is to be away from your family! I too have a been a little bit lonely since leaving my job and staying home full time. I found a website called I typed in stay at home moms, or moms or something like that and found a few play groups in my city. So far it has been really fun. Between the two groups that I joined there is pretty much something to do everyday of the week. Sometimes its just going for a walk or hanging out at a local park, but it is so nice to connect with other people. I am sure there a couple in your area. Email me if you have any questions. Love ya!
